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      Our middle out approach to Healthcare ecosystem is the reason for best Hospital solutions where we design hospital keeping in mind the adjacent or surrounding healthcare facilities to ensure adequate infrastructure for the patients. We even consider patient paying capacity and local population socio-economic status to ensure cost of operation is the financially feasible.

Healthcare Ecosystem-Clinic

Clinic / e-Clinic / Polyclinic
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Healtcare Ecosystem - Primary Healthcare center

Primary Health Center / 
Nursing Home
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Healthcare Ecosystem - Rehablitation Center

Rehabilitation Center / Old Age Home
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Healthcare Ecosystem - Veterinary Clinic

Veterinary Clinic / Center
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Healthcare ecosystem - Hospital

Multi Specialty / General Hospital
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Healthcare Ecosystem - Medical College

Medical College / Medical Research Center
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Healthcare Ecoystem - Physiotherapy Center

Physiotherapy Center  / Occupational Therapy Center
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Healthcare Ecosystem - Ayurveda

Naturopathy Center / Ayurveda Center
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B-Hosleaf is the Best Hospital Consultant and Building Desing Expert in India
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